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发布日期:2022-06-15    作者:     来源:    点击:


姓名蔡华      性别

职称:研究员       导师资格:硕士生导师


学历: 博士          毕业院校中科院广州生物医药与健康研究院

招生专业 生物化学与分子生物学/免疫学

电子邮件 chjorbe@hotmail.com

通信地址 广州市番禺区新造镇8188www威尼斯番禺校区B1-207




1. 广州市高层次人才——优秀专家

2. 首届广东省科学技术协会青年培育人才

3. 海外归国留学人员


1. 指导研究生获得霍夫曼免疫所所长奖

2. 指导研究生获优秀研究生


1. 中国免疫学会会员

2. 国家自然科学基金评审专家


1 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(3200066224万),果蝇Relish(NF-kB)23cGAMP诱导基因的时空调控作用及其抗病毒机制研究,2021/01-2023/12课题负责人(在研)

2) 广州市科技计划项目基础与应用基础研究项目(5万),kay在调控STINGNF-κB抗病毒信号通路中的作用及其机制研究,2021/01-2023/12课题负责人




6)中国博士后基金(2015M5722925)PGC-1α/HNF4α-CiDeB调控HCV生命周期的分子机制研究,2014/07-2016/07课题负责人 (已结题)




1) Andreas Holleufer (#) , Kasper Grønbjerg Winther (#) , Hans Henrik Gad (#) , Xianlong Ai,Yuqiang Chen, Lihua Li, Ziming Wei, Huimin Deng, Jiyong Liu, Ninna Ahlmann Frederiksen, Bine Simonsen, Line Lykke Andersen, Karin Kleigrewe, Louise Dalskov, Andreas Pichlmair, Hua Cai*, Jean-Luc Imler* and Rune Hartmann*. Two cGAS-like receptors induce Sting-dependent antiviral immunity in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature, 2021 Sep;597(7874):114-118.

2Slavik KM, Morehouse BR, Ragucci AE, Zhou W, Ai X, Chen Y, Li L, Wei Z, Bähre H, König M, Seifert R, Cai H, Imler JL, Kranzusch P* (2021). cGAS-like receptors control RNA sensing and 3’2’-cGAMP antiviral signaling in Drosophila. Nature, 2021 Sep;597(7874):109-113

3) Cai, H., Holleufer, A., Simonsen, B., Schneider, J., Lemoine, A., Gad, H. H., Huang, J., Huang, J., Chen, D., Peng, T., Marques, J. T., Hartmann, R. (*), Martins, N. E. (*), and Imler, J. L. (2020). 2'3'-cGAMP triggers a STING- and NF-kappaB-dependent broad antiviral response in Drosophila. Science signaling 13

国际顶级期刊Naturenews and views对成果1),2)和3)做了专门报道。国内的科学时报头版报道,中科院网站转载等。



4Hua Cai, Jean-Luc Imler*. cGAS-STING: insight on the evolution of a primordial antiviral signaling cassette. Faculty Reviews, 2021, 10: (54).

5) Hua Cai, Carine Meignin & Jean-Luc Imler. cGAS-like receptor-mediated immunity: the insect perspective. Current Opinion in Immunology, Volume 74, February 2022, Pages 183-189

6) Goto, A., Okado, K., Martins, N., Cai, H., Barbier, V., Lamiable, O., Troxler, L., Santiago, E., Kuhn, L., Paik, D., Silverman, N., Holleufer, A., Hartmann, R., Liu, J., Peng, T., Hoffmann, J. A., Meignin, C., Daeffler, L., and Imler, J. L. (2018) The Kinase IKKbeta Regulates a STING- and NF-kappaB-Dependent Antiviral Response Pathway in Drosophila. Immunity 49, 225-234 e224

7) Wenxia Yao#*, Jinghui Pan#, Zhaoyu Liu#, Zhijie Dong, Min Liang, Shu Xia, Yao Xiao, Xiaodan Cai, Tao Peng, Xinke Zhou*, Hua Cai*. The cellular and viral circRNAome induced by respiratory syncytial virus infection. mBio, 2021Volume 12 Issue 6 e03075-21

8Cai, H.(#), Yao, W. (#,*), Huang, J., Xiao, J., Chen, W., Hu, L., Mai, R., Liang, M., Chen, D., Jiang, N., Zhou, L., Peng, T. (*), 2020. Apolipoprotein M, identified as a novel hepatitis C virus (HCV) particle associated protein, contributes to HCV assembly and interacts with E2 protein. Antiviral research 177, 104756.

9) Cai, H. (#), Yao, W. (#), Li, L., Li, X., Hu, L., Mai, R., and Peng, T (*). (2016) Cell-death-inducing DFFA-like Effector B Contributes to the Assembly of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Particles and Interacts with HCV NS5A. Scientific reports 6, 27778

10) Wenxia Yao (#)Hua Cai (#)Xinlei LiTing LiLongbo HuTao Peng(*)Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Links Hepatitis C Virus RNA Replication to Wild-Type PGC-1alpha/Liver-Specific PGC-1alpha UpregulationJournal of Virology, 2014, 88(15): 8361-8374
